You will be required to enter your passphrase whenever you log into your computer or your computer goes into sleep mode.

You can add additional users later if you wish, by following the same process, starting from Step 6. Each person that needs access, needs to be present as they will need to enter their password.To give multiple users access to login to the computer,.Go back to Step 6 to add your Domain Account as an additional user.Make sure the Domain field is the Computer Name, click Finish.Enter the username and password you use to login to the computer under the respective fields.If you login to the computer with a local account,.Make sure that WELLESLEY is entered in the Domain field, click Finish.Enter your Wellesley Domain name and password under the respective fields.If you login to the computer with your Domain Account,.Choose Proceed with passphrase authentication only .Choose Use Windows Password. Click Next .Click New Passphrase User. at the bottom right.

This will speed up the process at the cost of reducing the computer's performance.

If you are not planning to use the computer during the encryption process, check the box next to Maximum CPU Usage .Click Encrypt Whole Disk or Partition on the right.Open Symantec Encryption Desktop by going to Start > Programs > Symantec > Symantec Encryption Desktop.This will reduce the time needed for the encryption process to run. Your system is somewhat slower than usual during the encryption process, although it is fully usable. You can still use your system during encryption.