All of this was in the hope of not only learning if the perception that teams couldn’t deliver or communicate was real, but to also identify how teams could work together more efficiently, deliver on time, and communicate in a consistent manner. I spent a lot of my initial time at the company reviewing the various systems each team used, how they worked day by day, the type of work they were doing, and how they communicated. I was hired at Two Barrels to help identify and solve why teams had difficulty completing work and communicating with the business. Tell me about what your company was trying to achieve and how that informed the way you thought about configuring workflows in Jira Software. I’ve started dabbling in 3D printing and am super-excited about all the possibilities this offers (including some custom car parts in the works). Outside of work, you can find me designing and building, well, almost anything we need or want at my house or for family and friends. I build workflows and processes for Project and Operations teams at Two Barrels to follow various Agile (mostly Scrum and Kanban) concepts. My Product Support team are the organizational gurus who keep all of the product teams’s projects focused and moving forward.
We provide full stack capabilities for our Product teams and Ops groups including IT, Marketing and Design teams, through front-end and back-end software development teams. and services our parent company’s tech needs. Two Barrels is a subsidiary of Registered Agents Inc. Hello Community! My name is Dave Fey and I manage a Product Support department at Two Barrels. Please introduce yourself! Tell us about where you work, your role, and the team you’re on. This month, we’re featuring Dave Fey, the manager of the Product Support department at Two Barrels, who shares how he leveraged workflows in Jira Software to improve communication and transparency across the organization.
We hope that customers will find inspiration on how to overcome their own challenges by hearing how our #JiraHeroes overcame theirs. #JiraHeroes is our new monthly spotlight series where we ask customers to share their success stories with Jira Software. At Atlassian, we take great pride in the software we ship, and even greater pride in the success our customers achieve when they use our products.