If you want more profiles, there’s a currently $1 in-app purchase that removes banner advertising from the app and gives you access to all of the accessory profiles Bongiovi has developed-the company will charge only $1 until it has 100 custom profiles to sell. The free app supports Apple’s free Earphones, the speakers in the iPad/iPad 2 and iPhone 3GS/4, and a set of five Dock Connector settings that Bongiovi calls Annapolis, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Philidelphia (sp) and Toledo, offering different combinations of the 120 “recalibration points” the company says it uses in optimizing audio in real time for various devices.

Second, the number of profiles is extremely limited at this point.
First, the DPS app isn’t as fully functional as Apple’s iPod, Music, and Videos apps it cannot play DRM-protected pre-iTunes Plus tracks, an issue the app explicitly blames on “Apple limitations,” and the app also locked up on three different devices for reasons unknown when trying to open a list of videos. There are a couple of hitches to this strategy. Tracks will sound better through Bongiovi DPS, and you won’t have to fidget with anything besides selecting your preferred accessories. You’ll then select the profile for your accessory, and play your music, videos, and podcasts through the Bongiovi DPS app, rather than through Apple’s.

Bongiovi’s engineers plan to manually test as many headphone, speaker, and docking accessories as possible, creating optimized audio profiles for each. The idea behind this app is noble: Bongiovi Acoustics knows that users aren’t able to get optimized sound from their headphones, speakers, and in-car accessories, due as much to iOS equalizer limitations as the user’s lack of interest in fiddling with settings, so it’s taking a brute force approach to making things better on its own. We mentioned at the time that one of the iP1’s signature features-a “B” button to deactivate the Bongiovi processing-wasn’t valuable because it was basically a “turn off the good sound” feature now Bongiovi wants to add a B button to your iOS device with its new universal app, Bongiovi DPS (Free). Though it was previously responsible for tuning the performance of in-car audio systems, Bongiovi Acoustics really made a name for itself in the Apple accessories market with the debut of iHome’s iP1, a premium speaker system that leveraged Bongiovi’s audio tuning to improve the sonic quality of its output.